4. React State Patterns
- Lifting State Up
- Sharing state between parent-child components
- Prop Drilling
- Passing props deeply through nested components
- Context API
- Global state management without prop drilling
and Context.Provider
- State Management Libraries
- Redux (for larger applications)
- Zustand or Recoil (simpler alternatives)
5. React Router
- React Router Basics
- Setting up routes using
- Nested routes
- Redirects,
- Dynamic Routing
- Route parameters, query strings
- Programmatically navigating
6. Advanced React Concepts
- React Reconciliation
- How React updates the DOM (Virtual DOM)
- Key prop and rendering optimization
- React Fiber
- The architecture behind React’s rendering (optional deep dive)
- Error Boundaries
- Catching JavaScript errors in components
- Suspense and React.lazy
- Code-splitting and lazy loading components
- Portals
- Rendering components outside of the DOM hierarchy
- React Memo
- Memoizing components to prevent unnecessary re-renders
- useCallback, useMemo
- Memoizing functions and values
- When to use
vs useCallback
- Virtualization
- Using libraries like
or react-virtualized
for large lists
- Code Splitting
- Dynamic imports and lazy loading components
- Controlled Components
- Managing form state with React
- Form Libraries
- Formik or React Hook Form
- Validation
- Validation using libraries like Yup or Zod
- TypeScript with React
- Defining props and state types
- Type inference, generics, and utility types
- CSS-in-JS
- Styled Components, Emotion, or Tailwind CSS
- Testing
- Unit Testing with Jest and React Testing Library
- End-to-End Testing with Cypress
- State Management Tools
- Redux Toolkit (modern approach)
- Middleware (Redux Thunk or Redux Saga)
10. Server-Side Rendering & Static Generation
- Next.js
- Introduction to Next.js framework
- SSR (Server-Side Rendering) and SSG (Static Site Generation)
- Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)
- API routes and serverless functions in Next.js
11. React and GraphQL
- GraphQL Basics
- Writing queries, mutations, and subscriptions
- Apollo Client
- Using Apollo Client to fetch data in React
- Caching, pagination, and optimistic updates
12. Real-World Applications & Advanced Topics
- Authentication
- Implementing JWT or OAuth authentication
- WebSockets and Real-time Updates
- Integrating WebSockets for real-time features
- Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
- Service workers and offline capabilities
- React Native (optional)
- Building mobile apps with React Native
13. DevOps & Deployment
- Build Tools & Bundling
- Setting up Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions, Travis CI, etc.
- Deploying React Apps
- Deploying on platforms like Vercel, Netlify, or AWS S3