1. Collections

  • show collections → To list collections
  • db.customer.insertOne({"name":"Ram"}) → Implicit creation
  • db.createCollection("customers") → Explicit Creation
  • db.createCollection(nameOfCollection, options) → Syntax
  • options → {capped: true} if true, need to give size.
  • {size: 34234} in bytes
  • {autoIndexId: true} If true, _id will be indexed
  • {max:100} max 100 docs in a collections for capped collection
  • db.customers.drop() To drop/delete the collection


3. CRUD - Operations

a. Create

  • syntax → db.customers.insertOne(jsonDocument,options) This will insert one document in the collection.
  • db.customers.insertMany(ArrayOfJsonDocuments, options) This will insert all the documents in the array
  • If _id is not provided, mongoDb will give unique UUID. If specified, mongo will use that
  • writeConcern option →
  • ordered option →

b. Read

  • Two ways db.collection.find(filters, options) , db.collection.findOne()
  • findOne method gives the first match, and default sorting is based on insertion order, the first inserted will come first
  • find → if no filter given, it will return all docs, but in a cursor/iterator
  • options → the options can be an object to tell what keys are required. {name:true,_id:false}

c. Update

  • updateOne(filter, operatorWithValueTobeUpdated) → Updates first doc that passes the filter.
  • Example -db.collection.updateOne({name:"john"}, {$set: {name:"John", age:50}})
  • updateMany(filter, OperatorWithUpdateValue) → Updates all the docs which matches the filter
