- The Infrastructure as a service
- Basics of a EC2 machine
- Operating System
- CPU - compute power
- Storage space
- Network Card, IP Address
- Firewall Rules - Security Groups
- Bootstrap Script - EC2 User data
EC2 Instance Types
There are 7 types of instances
- General Purpose
- Compute Optimized
- Memory Optimized
- Accelerated Computing
- Storage Optimized
- Instance Features
- Measuring Instance Performance
Instance naming convention - m5.2xlarge
- m: instance class
- 5: generation
- 2xlarge: size withing the class
Launching an Instance
- Name and Tags - name given to instance, tags which will be applied to the resources.
- Application and OS Image (AMI) - AMI is template that will contain OS with all pre-requisite software for the use-case
- Instance Type
- Key Pair - The public key is stored in instance and private key is downloaded, which is used to access the instance
- Network Settings - VPC, Subnet, Auto-assign public IP, Firewall - Sg group - Create SG or Select Existing Sg group
- Configure Storage - EBS Root volume, optional File system volume
- Advanced settings - Multiple settings, Use Data in last for boot-script
Purchasing options
- On-Demand Instance - Short workload, predictable pricing, pay by second
- Reserved - 1 or 3 years
- Convertible Reserved - long workloads but flexible instances
- Savings plans - 1 or 3 years commitment to an amount of usage
- Spot Instances - cheap, can lose instances, less reliable
- Dedicated Hosts - Entire physical server
- Dedicated Instance - no other customer will share your hardware
- Capacity Reservations - Reserve capacity in specific AZ for any duration
EC2 security group
EBS - Elastic Block store
EFS - Elastic File System
EC2 Instance Store
- Better I/O performance, but ephemeral (Loose storage when stopped)
- Good for cache, buffer, temporary content